Articles by: Timothy Dean

Murray Receives National Preventive Medicine Award

Murray Receives National Preventive Medicine Award

Carolyn Murray, MD, MPH, an assistant professor at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine, has received a national award from the American College of Preventive Medicine for outstanding contributions to preventive medicine and public health.

Avasthi Named President of International Science Board

Avasthi Named President of International Science Board

Prachee Avasthi, PhD, an associate professor of biochemistry and cell biology at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine, has been named president of the ASAPbio (Accelerating Science and Publication in biology) organization—a scientist-driven nonprofit promoting transparency and innovation in life sciences communication.

QBS Program Celebrates First Master of Science Graduating Class

QBS Program Celebrates First Master of Science Graduating Class

As the Dartmouth community holds its various Class Day ceremonies virtually this year, one highlight amongst the celebrations will be the graduation of the first Master of Science (MS) degree class of the Graduate Program in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (QBS) with 20 graduates. The QBS program trains highly qualified students in bioinformatics, biostatistics, epidemiology, health data science, and medical informatics for careers in academia and industry.