Articles by: Geisel Communications

Blood Testing for PFAS Could Help Inform NH Residents, But Barriers Remain –

Read article – Megan Romano, an associate professor of epidemiology, is featured in an article about blood testing for PFAS—long-lasting chemicals that break down slowly over time. “The stress of living in a community that has had environmental contamination is very real, and the health effects of living with that stress are very real,” Romano said.

Mammograms at 40? Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Spark Fresh Debate – South Platte Sentinel

Read article – Comments by Steven Woloshin, MED ’96, a professor of The Dartmouth Institute, are featured in an article about a government-appointed panel’s recommendation that women get routine mammography screening for breast cancer starting at age 40. “If there were no downsides, that might be reasonable,” Woloshin said. “The problem is false positives, which are very scary. The other problem is overdiagnosis.”