Archive for 2014

How Data Analytics, GIS Helps Dartmouth Atlas Influence Health Care

CIO – An extensive story that looks at the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care and how it compiles its data and performs analysis and mapping. David Goodman is quoted in the story and says “Dartmouth has amassed the largest non-governmental set of Medicare data in the United States.” Goodman is a professor of pediatrics and of health policy, director of the Center for Health Policy Research, and co-principal investigator for the Dartmouth Atlas.

Weighing Testosterone’s Benefits and Risks

The New York Times – Quotes Lisa Schwartz, a professor of medicine and of community and family medicine at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, who says “We’re giving people hormones that we don’t know they need for a disease that we don’t know they have, and we don’t know if it’ll help them or harm them.” The Times notes that Schwartz co-authored a 2013 study on the marketing of low testosterone.

Dartmouth Researchers Develop New Tool to Identify Genetic Risk Factors

Lebanon, NH—Dartmouth researchers developed a new biological pathway-based computational model, called the Pathway-based Human Phenotype Network (PHPN), to identify underlying genetic connections between different diseases as reported in BioDataMining; this week. The PHPN mines the data present in large publicly available disease datasets to find shared SNPs, genes, or pathways and […]

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Geisel Students Work To Make Gender Inequity Visible

Dr. Holly Atkinson’s experiences in human rights work over the past 25 years have given her reason to be both deeply troubled and incredibly hopeful. Last week, at a symposium organized by the Geisel chapter of Physicians for Human Rights, she discussed both ends of the spectrum, from the worries that keep her up at night to the people who have inspired her.

Spectrum, Dartmouth team up on teen drug abuse program

Burlington Free Press – An extensive feature on a youth counseling and research program organized by the Geisel School of Medicine and Burlington’s Spectrum Youth and Family Services which will “supplement out-patient counseling with a system of rewards and consequences to encourage an estimated 220 Burlington-area youths over five years to abstain from substance use,” according to the Burlington Free Press. The program is funded by a $2.5 million research grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.