Archive for 2014

Dartmouth Faculty, Alumni Discuss Advances in Disease Treatments

Valley News – As part of Geisel’s alumni reunion, faculty and alumni will discuss recent advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic and life-threatening diseases in a free medical education session on September 19 at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. The event will highlight current contributions by faculty and alumni to research on cancer, diabetes, and tuberculosis.

Supplements, Steroids, and Unsuspecting Customers

Al Jazeera America – Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Leslie Henderson writes that so-called natural supplements sold in the U.S. are often laced with anabolic steroids, and discusses the negative physiological and behavioral effects associated with their use, as well as policy changes regarding oversight of companies that sell performance-enhancing drugs.

African American Women Less Likely to Receive Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy

Science World Report – Dartmouth researchers found that the majority of the African American women who undergo mastectomies are 55 percent less likely to receive breast reconstruction irrespective of where they received their care. The study has filled a gap in addressing the issue as to whether racial disparities in breast reconstruction were due to disproportionate use of hospitals with services available.

Does Facebook Really Make Us Narcissistic?

Huffington Post – Research Assistant Professor Joanna Fanos is quoted on her views about the correlation between narcissism and social media in this excerpt from Jeffrey Kluger’s The Narcissist Next Door: Understanding the Monster in Your Family, Your Office, Your Bed—In Your World.