On March 8, 2014, a group of Geisel students, residents and alumni faced-off against the College of Medicine at the University of Vermont on the Dartmouth ice in Hanover for an annual hockey clash known as the Specimen Cup. The Specimen Cup is held in memory of a beloved University of Vermont anatomy professor, Bruce Fonda, and donations from spectators go to benefit a charity each year. This year, all proceeds went to supporting the good work of the Vermont Visiting Nurse Association's Respite House and Hospice.
In Specimen Cup 2014, UVM eeked out a win over Geisel (by a mere couple of "touchdowns") and has now held the Specimen Cup trophy for four consecutive years. But both Geisel and UVM medical student-athletes know that the friendly competition transcends wins and losses; it's an opportunity to have some fun and to help improve lives at the same time.
"From fundraisers to sporting events, to outreach into the community for under-serviced medical needs . . . there's a huge push for community involvement at Geisel," says fourth-year Dartmouth medical student Adam Kassam.