Status Changes

The Registrar's Office is responsible for tracking student enrollment. In order for us to do this accurately, we ask that whenever students decide to change their status, they fill out a Status Change Form. It is very important that we know if your status will be changing. (For example, if you go on a leave of absence, we would want to make sure that you are not billed. Likewise, it is important that we note this on your transcript so that it explains any gaps in the completion of academic work during a certain time period.)

When students decide to change their status, they should follow these steps:

  1. Download the Status Change Form or pick it up in the Registrar's Office.
  2. Fill out the form completely and present your plans in writing to your Advising Dean. Your Advising Dean is the primary person who authorizes your change and is the first person to sign the form.
  3. The form, with the written plan attached, will be forwarded to the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education for final approval.
  4. The Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education will then forward on to Registrar's Office. Once we receive all the completed paperwork, we will update our records and notify other administrative offices of the change.

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