Cell Movies

All clips are shown at 12 frames/s, approximately 6x faster than real-time. The Slider control in the QuickTime Player can be used to step through the sequences one frame at a time.

Movie 1

This clip shows a rapid in vivo fusion event and corresponds to the frames shown in Figure 1A. The left panel shows FM 4-64, the center panel shows Vph1-GFP, and the right panel shows DIC.

Movie 2

This clip shows a fusion event in which a longer delay separates the onset and completion of fusion and corresponds to the frames shown in Figure 1B. The left panel shows FM 4-64, the center panel shows Vph1-GFP, and the right panel shows DIC.

Movie 3

This clip shows the fusion of a cluster of docked vacuoles and corresponds to the frames shown in Figure 1C. The left panel shows Vph1-GFP, the center panel shows FM 4-64, and the right panel shows DIC.

Movie 4

This video is supplemental to Figures 1AĐ1C and shows an example of in vivo fusion leading to formation of intravacuolar membranes. The left panel shows FM 4-64, the center panel shows Vph1-GFP, and the right panel shows DIC.

Movie 5

Movie 6

Movie 7

These videos are supplemental to Figures 1AĐ1C and show examples of in vivo fusion leading to formation of intravacuolar membranes. FM 4-64 was used to stain the vacuoles.

Movie 8

Movie 9

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