For Release: June 26, 2002
Contact: DMS Communications (603) 650-1492

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A Computer-Based, Self-Help System for the Space Age

Hanover, NH - Soon we may be able to throw out the self-help books and motivational tapes and adopt a computerized system designed to help people work through issues such as conflict resolution or mild depression. Dartmouth Medical School researchers are aiming to do just that with a computer-based system for pyschosocial support.

Under development for astronauts on extended missions, the system will assist in preventing, assessing and managing social and psychological problems. Moreover, with some modifications, the system has the potential to benefit everyone - whether living and working in extreme environments, submarines or oil rigs, or on a farm, in a suburb or big city.

"Researchers have shown that people are often more comfortable revealing sensitive information to a computer, rather than to a clinician, and they are more likely to acknowledge problems using computer-based assessments," said James Carter, PhD, a researcher on the National Space Biomedical Research InstituteÕs (NSBRI) neurobehavioral and psychosocial factors team. Carter is also the senior researcher at Dartmouth Medical SchoolÕs Interactive Media Laboratory, a licensed clinical psychologist and instructor of community and family medicine at DMS.

"The stresses of long-duration space flight such as separation from family, loss of privacy and limited social outlets can lead to mood disturbances, loss of sleep, conflict, work problems and, potentially, depression," said Carter.

A virtual space station will serve as the setting for the program, which will provide assessment, treatment, prevention and education. The program will integrate graphics, audio and video multimedia designed to create a realistic environment.

The prototype will include three modules for users - conflict management, treatment of mild depression and psychological self-assessment. The goal is to prevent these problems from occurring, but if they do, crewmembers will have the program on board to provide assistance.

"The system will help crewmembers recognize and deal with problems early on," Carter explained. "Mild to moderate problems will be highlighted although the program will address clinical problems, such as depression, as well. It is not designed to offer pharmaceutical advice. Further modules can be developed and evaluated as new needs are identified."

"Ideally, the program will be added to the training astronauts go through before a mission," said project co-investigator Jay Buckey, Jr., MD, research associate professor of medicine at Dartmouth. Buckey served extensively in the space program and flew as a payload specialist on the STS-90 Neurolab mission. "The program will help users identify and be alert for signs of depression and diffuse any conflicts that could arise," he added.

The depression module will use problem-solving therapy to help users work through life problems, such as work or interpersonal issues, that can contribute to depression that is more serious. The program will help users identify the problem, possible solutions, pros and cons for each solution and specific steps to take. It will also help the user develop a personalized plan for solving the problem. The user can then go back to the program to determine if progress is being made. If no progress is identified, the user can change their plan of action.

The conflict-resolution module will involve computer simulations of hypothetical problems during long-duration space flights, in order to learn an approach to conflict management. Users will watch a video simulation and then be asked to choose a response. The choice is then played out, allowing the user to determine whether it was the best response or to go back and make a different decision. In this way, users can learn from their actions.

Once developed, each module will undergo testing by current and former astronauts, ground-crew personnel and subject-matter experts.

The project is complemented by NSBRI teams looking at other space health concerns such as bone loss, cardiovascular changes, muscle wasting, balance and orientation problems, and radiation exposure. While focusing on space health issues, NSBRI, funded by NASA, will quickly transfer the solutions to Earth patients suffering from similar conditions.

For more information, contact James Carter, PhD, at 603-653-1509, email James.A.Carter@Dartmouth.EDU.

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