I have a proposal, greater than $500, that I would like to bring before Student Government, how do I do this?
Fill out this form and send an email to Geisel Student Government, Marilyn Ndukwe, or Meave Otieno at least 1 week before SG meeting. We need a quorum (1/3 present) and 2/3 majority vote for the proposal to pass.
I have a funding request that is less than $500, can I get it approved without a proposal?
YES! Fill out this form and email President Marilyn Ndukwe!
I am attending a conference, can you help me with the expenses?
Yes, PD can help with this. Fill out the Individual Conference funding form at least 1 month before your conference date. Reach out to Arvind Suresh or Seth Ramin with questions.
There is an event I want SG to help me advertise, how can I ask them to publish it on the website or send out an email to the student body?
Email Geisel Student Government or Meave Otieno with the exact information you would like to be sent out.
I have suggestions for Student Government, where do I go?
Please fill out the suggestions form here. (log in to your Dartmouth google account to access).
I have suggestions specifically pertaining to the curriculum, where do I go?
Chairs of Academics/MEC Reps would be the place to go.
I purchased items for approved funding requests, and now I need to be reimbursed, how do I do this?
Fill out the reimbursement form, send your receipts to Tina. POC- Michael Koo
I am a first-year who wants to join Student Government, when are the elections?
Elections for first years (Class Reps, Wellness Reps, DICE Reps, SNAP Reps, MEC Reps, Community Service Reps) are typically in September of your first year.