2021 |
Laurie Delatour | Boston Children’s Hospital (Pediatrics – Research track) |
Ben Hills | University of California; San Diego (Pediatrics – Research track) |
Harrison Jones | University of California; San Diego (Anesthesiology) |
2020 |
Julia Litzky | Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (Pediatrics) |
Christiaan Rees | Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Internal Medicine) |
Kevin Shee | University of California; San Francisco (Urology) |
2019 |
Casey Bermack | University of Pennsylvania (Internal Medicine – research track) |
Ana-Maria Dumitru | UC; San Diego (General Surgery) |
Yike Jiang | Baylor College of Medicine (Pediatrics – research track) |
2018 |
Alex Bender | Mass. Gen. Hosp. (Neurology) |
Diana Chernikova | Harbor UC;LA (Pediatrics) |
Jie Deng | UC;LA (Rad/Onc) |
David Qian | Emory (Rad/Onc) |
2017 |
Geoff Noble | University of Pennsylvania (Neurology) |
2016 |
Cynthia Hahn | Brigham & Women's (Internal Medicine) |
Kelly Michaelsen | University of Washington (Anesthesiology) |
2015 |
Fadzai Chinyengetere | Johns Hopkins (Family Med) |
Adina Fischer | Stanford (Psychiatry - research track) |
Ivy Ran | Northwestern (ENT) |
2014 |
Andrew Giustini | Stanford (Peds Anesthesiology) |
Valerie Jacobs | Children's Hosp - Harvard (Child Neurology) |
Pablo Valdes | Brigham & Women's (Neurosurgery) |
2013 |
Broc Burke | Washington University (Anesthesiology) |
Chrissy Megli | Oregon Health Sciences U. (OB/GYN) |
Mike Miller | Brigham and Women's Hospital (Neuropathology) |
Sam Bakhoum | Memorial Sloan Kettering (Radiation Oncology) |
Jon Kleen | UCSF (Neurology) |
2012 |
Ryan Horvath | Mass. General Hospital (Anesthesiology) |
Liya Roudaia | U. Mass Hospital (Medicine) |
Polina Shindiapina | Dartmouth-Hitchcock (Medicine) |
Matt Wood | UCSF (Pathology) |
2011 |
Arye Elfenbein | Yale-New Haven Hospital (Internal Medicine) |
2010 |
Jared Adams | California Pacific Medical Center (Internal Medicine) |
Eric Arehart | Deferred Residency (Postdoctoral at the Geisel School) |
Rodwell Mabaera | DHMC (Internal Medicine) |
Michael Gleeson | DHMC (Internal Medicine) |
Matthew Cheney | University of Washington Affiliated Hospitals (Medicine Prelim)
Brigham & Women's Hospital (Radiation Oncology) |
2009 |
Peter Burrage | Brigham & Women's Hospital (Anesthesiology |
Mara Rendi | U. of Washington Affiliated Hospitals, Seattle (Pathology) |
Vivian Tawfik | DHMC (Surgery-Preliminary)
Stanford University (Anesthesiology) |
Lehn Weaver | Children's Hospital, Philadelphia (Pediatrics) |
2008 |
Aimee Boegle | Harvard University (Neurology) |
Brian Jones | Oregon Health & Science University (Internal Medicine) |
Veljko Popov | Tufts University (Radiology) |
E. Scott Seeley | Stanford University (Pathology) |
Colby Wyatt | Cincinnati Children's Hospital (Pediatrics) |
2007 |
Jonathan Huntington | DHMC (Internal Medicine) |
Ian Pitha | Deferred Residency (Postdoctoral at the Geisel School) |
Hai Sun | Oregon Health & Science University (Surgery & Prelim. Neuro.) |
2006 |
Katie Chatfield | University of Pennsylvania (Pediatrics) |
Ryan Lilien | University of Toronto (Professor) |
Andrew Place | Harvard University (Pediatrics) |
Paul Yang | University of Utah (Prelim. & Ophthalmology) |
2003-2005 |
Bruce Fuller | Brown (Prelim. Medicine) and Yale (Dermatology) |
Adam Hersh | University of California (Primary Medicine) |
Marta Hristova | University of Chicago (Pathology) |
Todd Kerner | DHMC (Internal Medicine) |
Tom Kirn | University of Pennsylvania (Pathology) |
J. Andrew Mengshol | University of Colorado (Internal Medicine) |
Yongping Wang | University of Pennsylvania (Pathology) |