Katie Quinn

Katie Quinn

About Me

Katie grew up outside of Chicago, IL, and graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2019 with a B.S. in Microbiology. During her time at Minnesota, she worked with Dr. Trinity Hamilton exploring silica uptake mechanisms in cyanobacteria. After graduating, she worked for a biotechnology company in Minneapolis seeking to create bioengineered livers. As a technician and scientist there, she worked extensively on hepatocyte cell isolations and re-cellularization techniques.

Katie joined the MCB program at Dartmouth in 2022 and selected the Cramer lab in 2023 for her thesis dissertation. She is interested in the heterogeneity in fungal pathogenesis and her project focuses on the unique metabolism of Aspergillus fumigatus during infection. When she's not in the lab, Katie enjoys hiking, biking, or camping in the Green Mountains.