Former Laboratory Members
Bridget Barker, PhD
2009 - 2012, Post-doc.
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University
Sarah Beattie
2012-2017 - PhD Student
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
Sara Blosser, PhD Student
Current Position: CDC, Division of Healthcare Quality and Promotion, Office of Laboratory Strategies and Analytics
Katie Bultman
2015-2017 - Laboratory Technician
Current Position: PhD Student Microbiology, University of Wisconsin Madison
Dawoon Chung, PhD
2011 - 2014 - Post-Doctoral Fellow
Current Position: Post-doctoral fellow, Chae Laboratory, Bae-Jae University, Dae-Jeon Korea
Jean Cornish, PhD, Senior Scientist
Sourabh Dhingra, Ph.D
2013 - 2019 - Post-Doctoral Fellow
Current Position: Assistant Professor Clemson University
Julie Elser, Laboratory technician
Current Position: Analytics and Reporting Manager, USDA-Fort Collins, CO
Nora Grahl, PhD, Student
2007 - 2011
Current Position: Coordinator of the clinical research study center / University Gynecological Hospital Düsseldorf
Kristin Harrington, Laboratory Manager
Senior Financial Analyst, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Brittany Hendrickson, Laboratory technician
Joshua Kerkaert, PhD, Student
Current Position: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dr. Lori Huberman Laboratory at Cornell University Ithaca, NY
Caitlin Kowalski, PhD Student
Current Position: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Matthew Barber, University of Oregon
Peggy Lehmann, Laboratory Technician
Ko-Wei Liu, PhD Student
Current Position: Senior Scientist, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Srisombat Puttikamonkul, PhD, Student
Current Position: Lecturer, Bangkok Thailand
Brandon Ross, PhD Student
Current Position: Senior Research Scientist, LifeMine Biotech Boston, MA
Kelly M. Shepardson, PhD Student
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Molecular Cell Biology, University of California-Merced
Anne D. Strong, BS
2014-2016 - Honors Thesis Student
Current Position: Resident Ophthalmology, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Arsa Thammahong, MD/PhD, PhD Student
Current Position: Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand
Elisa Vesely, PhD, Post-doctoral fellow
Current Position: Independent Consultant
Sven Willger, PhD
Current Position: Research associate / University Hospital Düsseldorf, Institute for medical biometry and bioinformatics