Center for Program Design and Evaluation
Our Mission
Provide effective design and comprehensive, accurate and actionable feedback to help programs achieve their goals.
Provide timely services and products that advance our and our partners’ understanding, learning, and improvement.
Kathy Carluzzo takes the role of CPDE Associate Director
In Jan. 2025, Kathy was promoted to CPDE AD. She brings over 10 years of experience at CPDE, and before that was a Health Policy fellow at TDI.
Partnership for Better Behavioral Health Outcomes
CPDE collaborates closely with clients, assisting with study design and evaluating process measures and outcomes of interest.
Specializing in instrument design, development, and validation
CPDE team members developed patient-reported outcome and patient-reported experience measures for a comparative effectiveness trial of surveillance colonoscopy methods for the COOP study.
CPDE teamed up with partners at DHMC Department of Surgery to publish a study of the benefits of gender-affirming surgery in addressing gender incongruence.
Data visualization helps the Center for Rural Health Care Delivery Science
CPDE created a radial chart from a research skills self-assessment by Research Project Leaders (RPLs) at the Center for Rural Health Care Delivery Science. Results will be used to plan trainings, provide resources, and help RPLs set mentorship priorities.
About CPDE
The Center for Program Design and Evaluation (CPDE) is a non-profit, fee-for-service research center specializing in mixed methods evaluation and program design.
Our team’s expertise spans anthropology, business, education, life sciences, medicine, psychology, and public health, placing us in a unique position to assist organizations and programs of all types.
Our Vision
To be recognized as leaders in mixed methods program evaluation.
Contact Us
CPDE at Dartmouth
Williamson 537
One Medical Center Drive
Lebanon, NH 03756
Some Recent Clients and Partners
Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Network
Center for Molecular Epidemiology at Dartmouth
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Dartmouth SYNERGY
Dartmouth Trauma Research Interventions Center
Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences
New Hampshire Department of Children, Youth, & Families
New Hampshire Idea Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)
North Country Health Consortium
Rivier University School of Nursing and Health Professions
The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice