- DHMC Workflow
- Pre-Procedure Management
- Pre-procedure IR Guidelines
- Ordering Information
- Reporting
- Complications
Guidelines for morning presentations
Resident and Fellow daily duties
Medical student DHMC Survival Manual
Radiographics Top Ten Reading List
Interventional and vascular
- VIR management of pulmonary embolism
- CT guided core needle lung biopsy
- Image guided spleen biopsy
- Overview of percutaneous abscess drainage
- Core Biopsy Device Animation
- Wires, Catheters and More: A primer for residents
Physics and radiation
- Interventional Radiology and Air Kerma at the Interventional Reference Point
- Air Kerma at the Interventional Reference Point and Peak Skin Doses
- Radiation Burns in Interventional Radiology
- Skin Dose Policy for Interventional Radiology
- Kerma Area Product (Dose Area Product)
- Kerma Area Product (AKA DAP) in Interventional Radiology
- Effective Doses in Interventional Radiology
- Interpreting KAP (DAP) in Interventional Radiology