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Andrew R Crawford, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Additional Titles/Positions/Affiliations
Program Director, Endocrinology Fellowship
American Board of Obesity Medicine Diplomate


BS: Brown University
MD: Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Residency: Internal Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Fellowship: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Professional Interests

Thyroid disease/Thyroid Cancer
Metabolic Syndrome
Neuroendocrine disease
Calcium and bone mineral density disorders

Courses Taught

Course Director, Geisel Year 1 Endocrinology


Dr. Crawford obtained his bachelors and M.D. degrees from Brown University. He completed his internal medicine residency and endocrinology fellowship at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

He was selected as a 2021-2022 Harvard Macy Scholar in the Program for Health Professions Educators and his current scholarly interest is in the design and implementation of immersive clinical experiences to enhance the training of endocrinology fellows in quality improvement.

In recognition of his research accomplishments, he has awarded the University of Pennsylvania’s Robert Utiger Award for Outstanding Research by an Endocrine Fellow. At Dartmouth-Hitchcock, he is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and manages patients with a variety of hormonal and metabolic diseases. He is the Program Director of the Dartmouth Endocrinology Fellowship Program and is the Director for the year 1 Endocrinology course at Dartmouth Geisel Medical School.

Selected Publications


  • Crawford AR, Martinez-Lage M, Kim CS Thyroidosis Mistaken for Thyroid Cancer. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Jun 1;144(6):540-541. (view details in PubMed)

  • Crawford AR, Alamuddin N, Amaro A. Cardiometabolic Effects of Anti-obesity Pharmacotherapy. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2018 Mar 6;20(4):18. (view details in PubMed)

  • Crawford AR, Dworkin L, Leonard K, Khurshid H, Hepel JT. Recurrence of paraneoplastic membranous glomerulonephritis following chemoradiation in a man with non-small-cell lung carcinoma. Rare Tumors. 2013 May 6;5(2):62-4. (view details in PubMed)

  • Horak P, Crawford AR, Vadysirisack DD, Nash ZM, DeYoung MP, Sgroi D, Ellisen LW. Negative feedback control of HIF-1 through REDD1-regulated ROS suppresses tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 9;107(10):4675-80. (view details in PubMed)

  • Kreiling JA, Balantac ZL, Crawford AR, Ren Y, Toure J, Zchut S, Kochilas L, Creton R. Suppression of the endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump during zebrafish gastrulation affects left-right asymmetry of the heart and brain. Mech Dev. 2008 May-Jun;125(5-6):396-410. (view details in PubMed)

  • Bal SK, Sorensen MJ, Crawford AR. A Diagnosis of Normocalcemic Primary Hyperparathyroidism Prompted by. AACE Clin Case Rep . 2021 Aug 3;8(1):37-40 (view details in PubMed)