Lin Anita Jeromin Brown, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Clinical Professor of Dermatology
Medical College of Pennslvania, MD 1979
Ursinus College, BS 1975
Contact Information
Dartmouth Medical School
HB 7999
Hanover NH 03755
Mentoring Information
Lin would be pleased to work with faculty on learner evaluation especially of the physical exam and through OSCEs.
Lin Brown, MD is a rheumatologist training and teaching at DHMC and Geisel since 1979. She is an Associate Professor in Medicine and was the section chief of the division of rheumatology for 6 years.
Lin Brown has been teaching in various roles since she put on an internal medicine resident elective in rheumatology followed by course director of introduction to physical diagnosis, the medicine clerkship, the outpatient medicine clerkship, an advanced medicine elective in physical diagnosis, and rheumatology fellowship director. Physical diagnosis and objective standard clinical exams (OSCE) are her areas of interest. Rheumatology still relies on the history and physical exam for the majority of patient evaluation. She has many passions outside of medicine that keep her enthusiasm alive including yoga, kayaking, hiking and biking.