Geisel Diversity Council Reference Guide

Geisel Diversity Council Reference Guide: Programs, Organizations and Opportunities to Build a Diverse and Inclusive Community

As part of the mission of the Geisel Diversity Council, we have assembled a reference guide to highlight programs, opportunities and resources that may be of value to our community in efforts to enhance the recruitment, retention, and professional advancement of our Geisel students, faculty, and staff.  Some of these resources have as their mission a defined under-represented group; others are broadly available resources that may nonetheless be of value to individuals in under-represented groups.

1. Dartmouth College/Geisel

After Hours

Black Alumni of Dartmouth Association (BADA)

Center for Social Impact 

Dartmouth Asian Pacific American Alumni Association (DAPAAA)

Dartmouth Association of Latino Alumni (DALA)

Dartmouth Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Alumni/Alumnae Association (DGALA)

Dartmouth Uniformed Service Alumni (DUSA)

Faculty and Employee Assistance Program (FEAP)

Geisel Center for Health Equity

Geisel Dean’s Office (professional development opportunities)

Geisel Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement (DICE)

Geisel Student Accessibility Services

Inclusive Excellence and IDE (faculty and staff recruitment and programmatic support)

Native American Alumni Association of Dartmouth (NAAAD)

Office of Human Resources

Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity (IDE)

Office of Visa and Immigration services (OVIS)

Title IX Office/Sexual Respect

Tucker Center

Veterans at Dartmouth

Women of Dartmouth (alums)

2. Dartmouth-Hitchcock

After Hours

Associated Resident Council (ARC)

Center for Learning and Professional Development

Human Resources

Interpreting services

Live Well Work Well

Veterans’ Support Group

Workforce Development

[Note: some resources are limited access, e.g. some at DH only for people with @hitchcock address]

3. Veterans Affairs Medical Center (White River Junction)

Stockton, Angela and
Morris, Madeline
Chairs:  African-American Committee
Vacant Chair:  Asian American Pacific Islander Committee
Laucks, Patricia E. Chair:  Federal Women's Program (FWP)
Surott-Kimberly, Barbara Chair:  Hispanic Employment Program
Ehrlich, Lisa Chair:  Individuals with Disabilities Program
Cole, Brynn Chair:  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Committee
Gesek, Jacqueline Chair:  Native American/American Indian Program

4. Community

A.  Regional

Future In Sight

Governor’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion

New Hampshire Women’s Foundation

NH Servicelink Community Resource Directory

Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Inc.

Spark Community Center

TLC Family Resource Center

Upper Valley Support Groups (listed through the Valley News)

Vermont 2-1-1 Community Resource Directory

Vermont Workers’ Center


Working Bridges

B.  National

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP)

Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)

Association of American Universities (AAU)


American Medical Association (AMA) Minority Affairs Section

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC):  Diversity Resources

National Association of Advisors in the Health Professions (NAAHP)

National Association of the Deaf

Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

National Association of Medical Minority Educators (NAMME)

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD):  anyone with a Dartmouth NetID has access.

National Foundation for the Blind

National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA)

National Institutes of Health (NIH), Scientific Workforce Diversity

NIH interactive toolkit for building diversity in the scientific workforce

National Medical Association (NMA)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Summer Health Professions Educational Programs (SHPEP)

C.  Veterans Affairs (national organizations)

Veterans Association of America

Diversity (VA)

African American organizations

American Indian Alaskan Native organizations

Asian and Pacific Islander organizations

Hispanic organizations

LGBT organizations

Individuals with Disabilities organizations

Women’s organizations

Age-related organizations

Human Rights organizations

Work/Life organizations

D.  National Programs for Professional Development for Women and Minorities:

AAMC Leadership and Management Foundations Seminar

Academy for Innovative Higher Education Leadership

ACE Aspiring Leaders Program

C-Change (Brandeis)

Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM)

HERS:  Leadership Training Institute for Women in Higher Ed

Harvard-Macy Program

Harvard Women in Education Leadership

W.K. Kellogg National Leadership Program