Welcome from DICE
The Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (DICE) is excited that you are considering pursuing your medical and graduate education at the Geisel School of Medicine. Diversity and inclusiveness are deeply respected values and are supported throughout the institution, for they greatly enrich our learning, clinical practice, and service environments. Our office strives to educate students on societal issues, offer links to the community, foster innovative scholarship, and provide role models and mentors to future generations.
The small class size at Geisel allows us to work closely with students to provide support through their graduate course work, explore their areas of interest while learning more about the communities that surround us, and celebrate their successes along the way. We invite you to learn more about our programs and community engagement activities by browsing our website.
Pipeline Programs
The Admissions Office and Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement at the Geisel School of Medicine support pipeline programs that seek to enhance the diversity of the applicant pool and diversify the field of medicine.
The Southern Illinois University's MEDPREP post-baccalaureate program was established in 1972 and has helped over 1,000 students successfully matriculate into medical or dental school. MEDPREP's mission is to increase the numbers of underrepresented minority and disadvantaged students who will enter and graduate from medical schools. It is the hope that these graduates will serve in U.S. health professions shortage areas. Geisel's partnership with MEDPREP has resulted in some of our strongest student leaders and most valued classmates.
Xavier University, of Louisiana, is the only historically Black, Catholic University in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Education, Xavier continues to rank first nationally in the number of African American students earning undergraduate degrees in both the biological/life sciences and the physical sciences. Xavier also ranks first in the nation in the number of African American graduates who go on to complete medical school. Geisel has an early assurance program for junior students at Xavier. Fore more information about this program, contact us.
Program for Oncology Workforce Education and Research Experience at Dartmouth (POWERED)
The POWERED PLUS program’s specific purpose is to improve the cancer workforce over time by increasing the number of underrepresented minorities (URM) working in cancer research. The NIH definition of URM is here https://diversity.nih.gov/about-us/population-underrepresented and you will note it is specific to who is underrepresented in scientific research in the U.S. This may be a different definition than is used by other organizations. Please look at the criteria carefully and determine whether you qualify and if so how you specifically qualify. If you are unclear and would like to discuss it please contact us.
POWERED PLUS is a two-year program for undergraduates. Normally, the cohort will be in residence for two 8-week summer research experiences at Dartmouth Cancer Center and working in laboratories at their home institutions nine hours per week for four 16-week semesters. An additional hour per week during the home academic semesters is for the mandatory POWERED group activities to be held virtually. Work at Dartmouth Cancer Center and in the home laboratories will be paid at $16.25 per hour with 10 hours per week expected on average during the academic year and 40 hours a week during the summer.
POWERED PLUS is designed to ensure each student is well-prepared for their chosen field in cancer research. Students will complete the program having mastered a set of Core Scientific Skills identified specifically for them by their Individual Mentoring Team (IMT). IMTs include a mentor from the student’s home institution, two representatives from POWERED, and their Dartmouth Cancer Center PI. Because many of the labs at the home institutions will not be cancer labs, the IMTs will be strategic in determining skills related to cancer work that can be learned in other settings. IMTs will require students keep work logs describing progress toward learning skills and do reflective writing twice each semester to assist the IMTs in understanding each student’s point of view.
Weekly group meetings will include journal club, activities related to leadership, ethics, and resilience, as well as funding, communication, and implementation research.
Program Contacts:
Dr. Steve Fiering (steven.fiering@dartmouth.edu) | Benjamin Koziol (benjamin.d.koziol@dartmouth.edu)