FAQ and Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn more about the CSL at the Geisel School of Medicine?
Please view our website and/or e-mail the program at Geisel.Service.Learning@dartmouth.edu.

How is service learning different from volunteering?
Both volunteering and service learning provide a service to the community. Service learning extends beyond volunteerism, however, in that service learning involves preparation, outcomes monitoring, reflection and the guidance of a mentor to tie in the service with academic learning.

Why is it important to serve the community through service learning?
Community organizations can enhance their services to their clients by utilizing the resources and skills of mentored students who will be tomorrow’s health care providers. Students gain a better understanding of the social determinants of health, further their clinical and cultural competency, and become better equipped to care for patients in the future.

Does the community agency have to keep track of the student’s hours?
No. Students are responsible for keeping track of their hours. The student’s faculty mentor will be asked to sign the student’s documentation of service hours.


Service Learning Resources

  • Corporation for National & Community Service: www.nationalservice.org.
  • Jacoby B & Mutascio P. Looking In Reaching Out: A Reflective Guide for Community Service Learning Professionals. Campus Compact, 2010.
  • Schiebel J, Bowley M & Jones S. The Promise of Partnerships: Tapping into the College as a Community Asset. Campus Compact, 2005.
  • Seifer SD. (1998). Service-learning: Community-campus partnerships for health professions education. Academic Medicine, 73(3):273-277.