Celebrating Heritage and History Months at Geisel

Celebrating Heritage and History months at Geisel brings together faculty, staff, students, alumni, clinicians, and community members to celebrate and recognize the various contributions various communities have on American culture, life, history, and medicine.

The DICE Office leads a committee for each Heritage and History Month in collaboration with staff, students, faculty, alumni, and community partners to establish a theme, purpose and learning outcomes for the month and individual events, and calendar of events for each celebration (no more than 3-4 events). In alignment with the DICE Office's goal of inspiring Inclusive Excellence, the committee will be comprised of members across Geisel: any student, staff, and faculty under the Geisel umbrella, alumni, and community partners. DICE Office will sponsor one keynote event for each Heritage and History month celebration. Additional events and programs during the celebration month is subject to funding approval and is decided by the committee.

The DICE Office will track outcomes through evaluations, assess and analyze that data for the continuous improvement of our programs.