Dartmouth’s Dermatology Interest Group (DIG)





Welcome to the Dermatology Interest Group (DIG) for Medical Students at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine! We're excited to introduce you to our community of aspiring medical professionals with a shared interest in the engaging field of dermatology. Our DIG strives to create a welcoming environment for all students to explore the field and build community with one another. We also facilitate opportunities for education, community service, research, mentorship and education related to dermatology for medical students of all years at Geisel. 

Our DIG community is very close knit and works closely with Dartmouth Dermatology Faculty. As members, you'll be able to  join us and explore the many opportunities available within dermatology. Interact with expert speakers at Dermatology Grand Rounds, participate in community outreach projects, collaborate on research endeavors, find mentorship, attend national conferences, and develop the skills that will set you on a path to excellence in this dynamic and rewarding medical specialty. 

If you are a Geisel medical student and interested in joining DIG, please reach out to DIG Presidents Katherine E. Bradley at Katherine.E.Bradley.med@dartmouth.edu or Blaire Anderson at Blaire.Anderson.med@dartmouth.edu.

Dermatology Director of Medical Education and Faculty Advisor: Dr.Alicia Dagrosa, MD, MBA

Resident Liaison for Medical Student Education: Dr.David Grand, MD

Resident Liaison for Medical Student Research: Dr.Payal Shah, MD

Academic Administrator: Brittany Stark


DIG E-Board 2023-2024


Co-Presidents: Katherine Bradley (Class of 2025) and Blaire Anderson (Class of 2024)

The DIG Co-Presidents maintain close collaboration with the Dermatology faculty and the DIG leadership team to coordinate and supervise all DIG events and projects. They serve as the primary contact for streamlining the efforts of the DIG leadership and creating pathways for students interested in Dermatology to engage with the department. Specific responsibilities include the organization and management of the scheduled DIG events throughout the year, facilitating connections between students interested in Dermatology and both DIG and the Dermatology Department, and ensuring effective communication between the Dermatology Department, Geisel School of Medicine, and DIG.

Vice President: Veronica Voronina (Class of 2025)

The DIG Vice President plays a vital role in supporting the President by scheduling meetings and events and taking charge of these activities when the President is unavailable. The Vice President takes the lead in organizing the biannual DIG Meet and Greet, which provides members with the chance to engage with residents and faculty. Furthermore, the Vice President assists in securing venues for meetings and events and is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date record of DIG's financial status.

Director of Community Outreach: Jamie Karch (Class of 2024)

The Director of Community Outreach oversees the coordination and management of community outreach efforts that foster connections between Dartmouth's Dermatology Department, the Geisel School of Medicine, and the local community. This role includes supervising ongoing community service projects like SPOTS outreach and the CHAD half-marathon fundraisers. I also manage Dartmouth's National Skin Smart Certification program and ensure sunscreen dispensers are available for student use on campus. Additionally, I assist in organizing and actively participate in various department-led community engagement projects, such as annual skin cancer screenings, all aimed at advancing public health and well-being.

Social Media Director: Kevin Puerta Durango (Class of 2025)

As the Social Media Director, my role involves managing the department's social media presence to keep the Dartmouth community informed about events, departmental accomplishments, and opportunities for engagement. I also curate engaging and informative story highlights to enhance awareness and understanding of dermatology. This includes themed interactive stories like 'Melanoma Mondays' and 'DermPath Thursdays.' In addition to featuring the work of our student and faculty members within the dermatology department, our social media page collaborates with the department's social media to broaden our reach and emphasize our strong connection.


Director of Research: Rachael Chacko (Class of 2025)

The DIG Director of Medical Student Research works closely with the resident overseeing Ongoing Research Projects to facilitate the connection between medical students and research prospects within the Department of Dermatology. This entails conducting meetings with medical students to provide insights into the department's research processes and available opportunities. It also involves sending notifications about research projects actively seeking medical student team members to the DIG listserv. Additionally, the Director coordinates a panel discussion addressing how to engage in dermatology research.


Interested in joining? Feel free to reach out to us and check out what we're up to on our Instagram page.



As a nationally recognized Skin Smart Certified Campus, both the Geisel School of Medicine and Dartmouth College are dedicated to providing a healthy learning and living environment, both on and off campus. We are actively engaged in promoting policies and educational initiatives for skin cancer prevention. To learn more about the significance of this commitment, please explore the details here.



Home - SPOTS -

Also, check out our SPOTS page if you're interested in learning more about teaching skin health and skin cancer prevention at local schools. 


DIG's Research Hub 

Learn more about opportunities to make a meaningful impact in Dermatology research by visiting our research hub! Explore what projects members are currently working on, past publications, engaging poster presentations, and discover the avenues to actively participate in groundbreaking research. Visit DIG's Research Hub Website to learn more.



Sponsored by Dartmouth Health's Department of Dermatology