4+1 program

General information

QBS offers a 4+1 option to Dartmouth undergraduates, allowing students to complete their Master's degree in 12 months (1 year) after earning their Dartmouth undergraduate degree (4 years). 4+1 students are required to complete 3 eligible courses toward the QBS Master's degree while they are undergraduates. Courses cross-listed at the graduate level in the Basic/Life sciences, Math, Computer Science, Engineering, Psychological & Brain Sciences, and Physics & Astronomy may qualify for the 4+1 program.

The 3 eligible courses do not need to be complete before application submission, but should be finished by the time you complete your undergraduate degree. Interested Dartmouth undergraduates should meet with an advisor in the QBS program to determine eligibility.

Application information

  • Application fees are waived for 4+1 Dartmouth undergraduate applicants.
  • GRE score submission is optional for 4+1 Dartmouth undergraduate applicants.
  • Submit an application by February 1 in your senior year for subsequent Fall matriculation after graduation.

Financial information

See Tuition and financial aid for information on financial support for students in the QBS Master's program.


Email the QBS program for more information.