Research Overview
Research is defined by the federal government as a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.
Research is a valued activity in the Department of Pediatrics. The materials shared on this page are meant to serve as a starting point for faculty, staff and trainees interested in research or embarking on their own projects. The information provided will help you navigate the administrative processes involved with conducting research at Dartmouth Health. The If you have questions, the Department of Pediatrics Research Navigator is available to help.
CITI Training Guidance
All investigators and study personnel doing research at DH are required to complete Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training. The following three modules are required:
- Human Subjects Research (HSR) - Biomedical focused module
- Good Clinical Practice (GCP) - clinical trials focused module
- Responsible Research Conduct - Biomedical focused module
To learn more, please visit:
OnCore Guidance
Dartmouth Health uses the research management platform OnCore. To learn more about the platform and training requirements, please visit OnCore Overview and Resources
IRB Forms Guidance
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all projects at DH. If you intend to present or publish findings from a Quality Improvement or Not Human Subject Research project, it needs to be reviewed by the DH IRB. Please use one of the templates to write your study protocol. The four types of protocol templates are:
- HRP-503 – Template Protocol used for clinical trials
- HRP-503a – Template Protocol used for Social and Behavioral studies
- HRP-503b – Human Research Determination used when the study is likely to be determined as ‘not human subjects research’ including Quality Improvement projects
- HRP-503c – Data Review Template Protocol used for data review studies only, such as cohort or chart reviews
Please note that the Department of Pediatrics must review and approve your project before it can be submitted to the IRB. For more information about the IRB and to download the protocol templates, please visit the DH IRB website.
External Grant Submission Process
Please complete this Research Administration Request Form for assistance with a grant submission, post-award questions, DUAs, etc.
Internal Funding Submission Process
The Hearst Fund monies are to be used to provide support for DHMC perinatal outreach education and research. For more information, please review the application and example:
Hearst Fund Grant Proposal Application 2024
Hearst Fund Grant Proposal Packet EXAMPLE
Helen's Fund monies are to be used to support medical student and resident pediatric projects. For more information, please review the application and example:
Helens Fund Grant Proposal Application 2024
Helens Fund Grant Proposal Packet EXAMPLE
Research Opportunities within Pediatrics
Research in Pediatrics at CHaD
Clinical Trial Submission Process
Need Help?
Julie Doherty serves as the Department of Pediatrics Research Navigator. In this role she helps faculty and trainees navigate the administrative processes involved in conducting research at DH. If you have questions, please email Julie to set up a meeting.