2023 Geisel Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

For a full-size version, please see it here: 2023 MLK Poster


2023 Geisel School of Medicine Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"I Am the DREAM: the Past, Present, and Future" Awards Luncheon


2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Award Recipients

Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award—John F. Nigriny, Jr., MD, plastic surgeon, and assistant professor of surgery. 

Distinguished Alumni Award—Rajeev Fernando, MD, HS’09-10, an infectious disease specialist and consultant for FEMA emergency field hospitals nationwide. 

Outstanding Faculty Award—Sarah G. Johansen MED’90, FACEP, FACPassistant professor of medicine, and of community and family medicine.

Outstanding Staff Award—Roland L.B. Lamb, MPH, residential MPH/MS program manager, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice  

Student of Merit Award—Marilyn S. Ndukwe ’23, 2022-2023 student government president; Chiamaka L. Okorie ’24. 

Samuel F. McGill Award—Falen Demsas MED’22, first-year resident in vascular surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital.


For past information on past MLK Celebration, please visit the MLK Celebration Archive.