Sun Protection Outreach Teaching by Students

-Presented by Dartmouth's Dermatology Interest Group (DIG)

SPOTS (Sun Protection Outreach Teaching by Students) is a community outreach program designed to teach students from preschool through high school about the importance of early detection and prevention of skin cancer. Medical students visit local schools to instruct students about sun safe habits, avoiding artificial tanning beds, and skin self-exams.

As a nationally recognized Skin Smart Certified Campus, both the Geisel School of Medicine and Dartmouth are dedicated to fostering a healthy learning and living environment, both on and off campus. We are actively engaged in promoting policies and education for skin cancer prevention. To learn more about the significance of this commitment, please explore the details here.

If you are interested or know someone interested in having a SPOTS session held at a school in New Hampshire or Vermont, please fill out the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

You can also reach out to us on our Instagram page @Dartmouth.DIG.

SPOTS Interest Form: 


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Sponsored by SPOTS and the American Skin Association.