QBS PhD degree requirements

Modern biomedical research relies on both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. Multidisciplinary approaches bring several different scientific disciplines such as bioinformatics and genetics to bear on a research question. Interdisciplinary approaches synthesize knowledge and methods from other disciplines to provide an integrated framework for solving complex biomedical problems in new ways.

The rapid advancement of high-throughput technologies such as DNA microarrays and mass spectrometry for measuring biological systems and their application as part of translational medicine has generated a significant demand for investigators doing cutting-edge research in quantitative disciplines such as bioinformatics, biostatistics and epidemiology. Those with the greatest impact are cross-trained in multiple disciplines giving them the ability to synthesize and integrate several disciplines to provide a truly interdisciplinary approach to solving complex biomedical problems.

The goal of the doctoral program in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences is to prepare PhD students for careers at the intersection of biomedical research and quantitative sciences such as bioinformatics, biostatistics and epidemiology.

The requirements for the PhD degree in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences are listed below.

Required Coursework


QBS 110

Core Courses

6 units from the following core courses with at least 1 unit in each area





Choose 3.5 units from this list


Thayer School of Engineering:

Computer Science:

Public Health:

Additional A & S Courses:

Journal Clubs

Satisfactory completion of nine approved journal club courses

QBS Journal club offerings

Additional journal club offerings

Limits and Requirements

  • For students who matriculate Fall 2020 and beyond, QBS 195 Independent Study (1 unit) and QBS 123 Biostatistics Consulting (0.5 unit) may be taken multiple times, but only 2 units total in these courses will count toward elective credit.
  • Seek administrative approval for non-listed electives. Email Dr. Kristine Giffin for additional information.
  • Students who matriculate Fall 2021 and beyond may not take more than 4 units of coursework per quarter unless approved by QBS administration and leadership. For the Fall quarter, this unit limit does not count pre-term courses QBS 103 Foundations of Data Science, QBS 700 Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research, and QBS 110 Integrative Biomedical Sciences Seminar.

Research rotations


Qualifying examination and thesis

  • Satisfactory completion of an oral qualifying examination
  • Satisfactory completion of a significant research project and preparation of a thesis describing this research
  • Successful defense of the thesis in an oral examination and presentation of the work in a public lecture

For details of program rules and regulations see the QBS handbook.