Riya Mehta

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Undergraduate institution: Emory University

Undergraduate major: Biology & Quantitative Sciences

Other professional information: Prior to joining this program, I gained valuable experience working as a Project Manager at McKesson, a pharmaceutical distribution and health information technology company.

QBS MS track: Health Data Science

My research interests are: I am interested in studying genomic profiling of tumors and how they can guide the development of targeted therapies and personalized treatments to help improve patient outcomes.

Career track: Industry

My career goals are: My career goal is to work as a data scientist at a healthcare company (currently focusing on biotech or pharma) where I am able to apply my background in biology and statistics to make an impact on patient care and medical advancements. As I delved deeper into my courses and experiences during my undergraduate years, I quickly realized my interest in combining the fields of data science and healthcare, leading me to aspire to pursue a data scientist career.

I chose QBS because: Dartmouth’s interdisciplinary coursework strongly aligned with my interest in pursuing a career as a data scientist in healthcare. Furthermore, the program's capstone component is particularly appealing to me as it offers valuable real-world experiences and allows me to polish my technical and communication skills.

Recreational Interests: I love to travel! In my free time, I like to paint and spend time with friends.

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