Parinitha Kompala

Hometown: Vellore,India

Undergraduate institution: REC

Undergraduate major: Biomedical Engineering

Graduate Study - Institution: Geisel-Gaurini

QBS MS track : Health Data Science

Career track: Industry

My career goals are: My Career goals are basically getting into a health care related sector and understanding their procedures and systems, as well as utilizing data to aid decision-making. Data collection, storage, retrieval, and security are all aspects of database management, where I want to look deep into.

I chose QBS because: The reason why I choice QBS is, it is a multidisciplinary track,Health care, biomedicine, biostatistics, population health, and big data are all intertwined in this program.And me with undergrad major as biomedical engineering thought QBS would be the perfect place to add more skills to my already existing skill set in the same stream, which is healthcare.

Recreational Interests: Oil pastels, Chilling with friends.

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