Jihyun (Kate) Lee

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Undergraduate institution: Stony Brook University

Undergraduate major: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Graduate Study - Institution:

Other professional information: Biomedical Data Science Research Assistant at Dartmouth College/DHMC.
Registered Nurse in Medical/Surgical Unit at Northwell Health, NY.
Teaching Assistant for College Calculus II at Stony Brook University.

QBS MS track : Epidemiology

My research interests are: Nutritional/Environmental Epidemiology, especially potential effects of early life dietary exposure on childhood growth and health. I am also interested in applying machine learning and bioinformatic tools to nutrigenomics and metabolomics research.

Career track: Both Industry and Academia

I chose QBS because: I chose QBS because I wanted both various research opportunities and bioinformatics skills.

Recreational Interests: Skiing and Ice Skating