Haobin (Tony) Chen

Hometown: Quanzhou, Fujian, China
Undergraduate institution: Emory University
Undergraduate major: Bachelor of Science in Biology, Applied Mathematics & Statistics
My research interests are: I aim to develop methods for analysis of observational studies. Specifically, I am methodologically interested in causal inference, covariate measurement error, applied statistical learning, and their intersections. My applied area of interest is clinical epidemiology/randomized trials in oncology, including endocrine, lung, and ENT cancer, and novel treatment modalities. I also dabble in high dimensional omics data analysis using shrinkage methods from industry and collaboration experience.
Thesis Advisor and Lab: Dr. A. James O'Malley
Research in Progress Title or Thesis Title if known: Instrumental Variable and Causal Inference
Career track: Both Industry and Academia
My career goals are: Biostatistician/Biomedical Data Scientist
I have technical expertise in : R, Python, LaTeX, Matlab, Java, HTML/CSS
Other professional accomplishments of note: 1. Summer Scientific Intern, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR), Novartis
2. Biostatistics Intern, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
I chose QBS because: QBS has a one-of-a-kind highly interdisciplinary research environment, which allows me to conduct methodological work in biostatistics while advancing my background in biomedical sciences through collaboration and coursework.
Recreational Interests: Netflix, music, food tour, photography, traveling