George Price

Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts US

Languages Spoken: English,

Degree and Institution:  Bachelor of Science in Biology (Boston College)


Previous Work Experience:

  • Research Assistant at Massachusetts General Hospital (Pediatric Neurosurgery Lab)

Thesis Advisor and Lab: Nicholas Jacobson, PhD

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health: Innovation in Technology Guided Healthcare (AIM HIGH)

Career Track: Academia and Industry

Favorite Algorithm and/or gene:  Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Technical Expertise: R, Python, SQL, wet lab techniques. Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Digital Phenotyping, Passive Sensing, Actigraphy Analysis


My favorite scientist:  Julia Silge

Extracurricular Activities: Avid reader and soccer player!

Why QBS: I chose QBS to enhance my computational experience while still being able to implement my biology background.

QBS MS Experience

QBS Electives


Favorite QBS Class:

Life at Dartmouth:

--When I am not in lab/school When I am not in lab I am looking for new places to eat in the Upper Valley area.