ARTICLE V: The Faculty at Geisel

A. Appointments, Promotions and Titles of Faculty and Non-faculty Academics:

Policies related to oversight of Geisel faculty and non-faculty academics are retained through the Geisel Office of Faculty Affairs. Policies at this site, are inclusive of documents that define procedures and criteria for appointment, promotion, titles, tenure, non-reappointment, termination and dismissal of faculty and non-faculty academics; Geisel fiscal policies related to faculty; the rights, responsibilities, duties, and expectations for professional conduct of the Geisel academic community; and other key documents of Dartmouth College as they relate to faculty and non-faculty academic rights and responsibilities. As individuals who comprise the faculty of Geisel are members of the faculty of Dartmouth College, they have attendant rights and responsibilities as outlined in the OFDC.

Definitions and privileges of the faculty and of non-faculty academics, and the processes and criteria for appointments, promotion, tenure, non-reappointment and termination are described in the document entitled Academic Appointments, Promotions and Titles at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth (APT document). Termination of appointment and/or of employment and appointment are also governed by the parameters set forth in the OFDC with respect to policies governing Agreement Concerning Academic Freedom, Tenure and Responsibility of Faculty Members or in other Dartmouth documents (e.g., Dartmouth’s Policy on Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct). These, and other documents that pertain to faculty rights and responsibilities outside of those governed by the APT Document are to be located on the Geisel Office of Academic Affairs site.

All faculty members and non-faculty academics at Geisel shall be appointed to departments (or Centers/Institutes with standing), with each individual having a primary department designated by the Dean of Geisel. Faculty members and non-faculty academics may also hold secondary and tertiary appointments in other Departments, Institutes or Schools. The non-primary department(s) shall review appointments for continued appropriateness at the time of primary reappointment, although this may be done earlier at the discretion of the non-primary department Chair. The senior leadership of the medical school, if they also hold faculty appointments, shall also be voting members of appropriate departments.

Voting rights of the faculty and criteria governing membership on committees that represent the academic community in the governance of the School of Medicine are defined in the APT document and the OFDC.

B. Meetings of the General Faculty of the Geisel School of Medicine:

General Faculty meetings shall be held at least twice yearly in the spring and the fall as set forth in the Bylaws of the Faculty Council More frequent meetings may be held if requested by the Dean or the Faculty Council in consultation with the Dean. Notification of such meetings must be made at least 14 days in advance of the meeting and disseminated to all Faculty Members (voting and non-voting). The venues of the meetings be planned to best accommodate participation by faculty on both Hanover and Lebanon, in recognizing competing professional and personal demands (e.g., patient care, teaching, child care obligations), and on virtual platforms (recorded when possible) to allow the broadest representation of faculty access to the meetings..

Special meetings of the faculty may be called by the Dean of Geisel, by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council (as defined in the Bylaws of the Faculty Council), or by petition of at least 15 members of the Faculty. Such request shall clearly state the purpose of such meeting. All faculty members shall be notified of such meetings at least seven days prior to such meeting. Under extraordinary conditions, a special meeting of the faculty may be called at any time, provided an attempt has been made to notify all members of the voting faculty at their place of business, or home, on record in the Office of the Dean of Geisel. This notification may be oral or in writing, and shall include the time, place and purpose of the meeting.

A quorum of the general faculty at Geisel shall consist of a minimum of 45 members of the voting faculty. Votes of the faculty on certain initiatives may also be made electronically. In such electronic votes, measure shall carry if a) a majority of responding faculty approve or b) on initiatives where it is explicitly stated that the measure shall carry in the absence of dissent (e.g., approval of the graduating class), none is given. As noted in Article IE and F, faculty voting may also occur through representational votes provided by the DAB and the Faculty Council following upon discussion and input from their constituencies.

The Faculty Council holds responsibility for organizing and conducting two general faculty meetings per year to which the Dean or his designee is a guest. The Dean has responsibility for and presides over the state of the school meeting(s).

The purposes of meetings of the general faculty shall be:

• To provide a forum through which the faculty can assist in identifying, clarifying, and recommending approaches to deal with matters affecting the academic programs of Geisel.
• To provide a forum whereby faculty opinion can be expressed on specific issues or programs of Geisel.
• To provide reports of progress in the development of programs bearing on the services of Geisel.
• To inform the faculty concerning activities of Geisel, which bear directly or indirectly on their responsibilities, or which contribute to their understanding of operations of Geisel.

The agenda for general faculty meetings will be established by the Faculty Council in concert with the Dean. The Chair of the Faculty Council will serve as convening officer for faculty meetings. Faculty and officers of the academic administration of Geisel may submit agenda items for faculty meetings. Students, non-faculty academics, postdoctoral fellows and house staff should submit any desired items through a faculty member or an officer of academic administration of Geisel. The agenda shall be finalized and distributed to the voting faculty at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting, with an invitation to all faculty via the Geisel listserv. Other participants, including media representatives, may be invited as observers but are not active participants in faculty meetings.

At all meetings of the faculty, the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" shall apply, except as modified by these protocols and policies. Generally, meetings of the Faculty shall be open to all members of the Geisel community (staff and students, included) unless the Faculty Council, the convening administration officer or a majority of voting members deem that it should be closed. All members of the faculty that hold the right to vote shall have the privilege of the floor. Only those members present may vote. A majority of the voting members present shall prevail, unless otherwise specified herein. Voting shall be by secret ballot if requested by any member present.

Minutes of meetings of the general faculty shall be taken by an appropriate designee chosen by the Dean and disseminated to the faculty. The minutes will be maintained in the Office of the Dean of Geisel. These minutes shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, all business conducted by vote of the faculty. Minutes shall be made available on request to any member of the faculty, students or staff of Geisel.