Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

The Geisel Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging is charged with developing recommendations and implementation plans to inform our efforts to increase diversity and foster greater inclusiveness in the Geisel community and among our partnering institutions. Recommendations would include planning for the allocation and prioritization of financial resources committed for these purposes.

Lisa McBride, Committee Chair
Younji “Angie” Lee, SG Chair of Diversity and Inclusion
Diana Rojas-Soto
Benjamin Ross
Alka Dev
Alison Kapadia
Andrea Wolffing
I. Leah Gitajn
Kerrilynn Hennessy
Amanda Bassett
Nick Ryan
Lamar Moss
Despina Karalis
Emily Hichborn
Katie Lenhoff
Christian Spalding
Bethany Malskis
Seelai Karzai
Mia Bertalan
Ifeoma Kamalu
Fred Burton III
Eva Childers
Katherine “Rin” Heflin
Margaret Sherin
Renisa Ramnath
Izhar Mbarani