Updated: Academic Promotions at Geisel

Dear Members of the Geisel Community:

As we begin a new academic year, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the recent promotions of our faculty and research scientists. We hope that you, like all of us on departmental promotions committees, the Dean’s Office, and the APT Committee, are also amazed at the breadth and depth of accomplishments in teaching, clinical care, research, scholarship, and engagement of our academic community.

In a year that has provided its share of challenges for us all, we hope you stop to reflect and appreciate what your colleagues have done and to congratulate them all for their contributions.

Promotions AY19-20 NEW - NOTE -Updated with additional promotions/corrections.

Duane A. Compton, PhD

Leslie P. Henderson, PhD
Dean of Faculty Affairs

Faith R.Goodness, MBA
Chief of Staff

Alicia Hirte
Faculty Affairs Coordinator