Executive Director: Meagan Stabler, PhD, CHES
Director of Clinical Research: Maureen Boardman, MSN, FNP-C, FAANP
Co-Scientific Research Director: Charles MacLean, MD
Co-Scientific Research Director: Neil Korsen, MD, MSc
Research Project Manager: Paula Hudon, DNP, RN
Research Project Manager: Zoe Daudier, BS
Research Consultant: Troi Perkins, MEM, MF
Homepage: https://geiselmed.dartmouth.edu/nnecooppcbrn/
The Northern New England CO-OP Practice and Community Based Research Network (NNE CO-OP PCBRN) is sponsored by the Department of Community & Family Medicine at Dartmouth Health and in collaboration with the University of Vermont, and Maine Medical Center. As a voluntary, cooperative network of independent clinicians (community-based), The CO-OP has helped develop and refine a model for rapidly assessing and improving care. CO-OP members collaborate with academic researchers to improve the outcomes focus of care and develop methods that work in busy community-practice settings. The CO-OP demonstrates how to integrate the measurement of patient values, clinical improvement strategies, and research objectives into day-to-day healthcare delivery.
The goals of the NNE CO-OP PCBRN are to:
- Provide professional stimulation and collegial communication and interaction among physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and Ph.D. researchers
- Conduct cooperative research in primary care
- Improve primary care and family medicine services and office management techniques
- Sponsor continuing education and training for health professionals
For more information on the CO-OP, including Annual Meeting information please visit their homepage.