- If the person is coming onto the faculty through D-H payroll, there is no requirement to do a national search overseen by Dartmouth College (Dartmouth)—that is, the Dean’s Office does not need to approve the position nor oversee the search process. You will not need to upload CVs to dashboard (except requested hire) or to have IDE approve hires (and therefore will not need to enter reason codes).
- D-H paymaster positions should still be entered onto Dashboard so that the School can track what positions are open and have a record of needed approval from D-H.
- When a search is approved by the Service Line Leader (SLL) and Chair (if a separate individual than the SLL), the Department should notify the Dean’s Office by completing the new Form A (Appendix 1) via Dashboard. This form provides the basic information needed by the School for clinical faculty hires. This is an abbreviated form from the original Form A, updated as of 12/2015.
- For general clinician (physicians or associate providers) hires, general template language that pertains to the school language must be used in any ad: Successful candidates who meet criteria for a faculty appointment at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth may be provided with an academic title commensurate with experience.
- We also want ads to use standard language when referring to the School (Geisel or Dartmouth College) as part of the local environment. Please do not include language that states that "prestigious Ivy League Dartmouth College” in any ad from DH—this language reflects on Dartmouth, and it is viewed by Dartmouth (and Geisel) as being elitist and therefore off-putting to many under-represented groups. Since it is not immediately apparent within an advertisement that it was not vetted and approved by Geisel/Dartmouth, we feel it reflects poorly on us.
- If there is to be a more specific set of expectations—i.e., successful candidates will be those who would be eligible for appointment at a senior rank (e.g., Professor), then the Dean’s Office should review that ad language before it goes out. Please note that setting this out as an expectation in the ad does not guarantee that the school will appoint a candidate at that level if he/she does not meet criteria.
- Once the department has identified a preferred candidate the following should be entered on Dashboard by the Department indicating intent to hire and to gain approval of the faculty appointment:
- Candidate’s CV
- requested rank
- brief description of expected academic responsibilities. For example: it is expected that you will teach 3rd year students of the Geisel School of medicine in the clerkship in XX. These performed in the context of clinical care and are expected to constitute 5-10% of your effort.
- Chair(s) approval.
- If the Dean’s Office approves of the hire, it will be indicated on dashboard and the status will be move to “Requested Hire Approved”.
- Approval of hire and corresponding academic rank must be confirmed prior to an offer letter/employment agreement going out to the clinician.
- All offer letters must use template language approved by D-H and Dartmouth College that indicates that academic titles are governed by the employment relationship with D-H. Appendix 2 is the MD Employment Agreement; but similar language needs to be incorporated for all hires (e.g., PhDs scientists, associate providers, psychologists, social workers). Terms of Appointment template letters can be found on the Office of Faculty Affairs website.
- Geisel currently provides academic titles to members of the professional staff at D-H who meet our expectations for academic rank according to the APT document.
- Under current understanding of the APT document, those who qualify for academic appointment and who spend more than 50% of their effort at D-H Lebanon should be appointed in the AMS Faculty Line (those that spend >50% of their time at sites other than D-H Lebanon should be appointed in the Clinical Faculty Line—see below).
- D-H Bylaws do not obligate Geisel (Dartmouth College) to provide an academic title to individuals who do not meet the criteria set out by Geisel to hold such titles.
- Individuals who are D-H employees outside of Lebanon who qualify for academic appointments should be appointed in the Clinical Faculty Line (consideration of requests for exemptions may be made to the Dean of Faculty Affairs).
- D-H Department will notify via dashboard of accepted hires and Dean’s Office will change status to search closed/position filled.