ARTICLE IX: Amendment Procedure

Section 1: Procedure for Amendment of Operations & Governance Protocols and Policies

The provisions of these protocols and policies that are not otherwise governed by documents specific to the charge of other councils, committees or policies of the Medical School or the purview of the Dean may be amended by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the voting members of the faculty present at any regular meeting of the faculty, or at any special meeting called for that purpose, or by an electronic vote provided that the specific wording of the proposed amendment is distributed to all voting members of the faculty at least 14 days in advance of the meeting/vote at which the amendment is to be considered. Prior to a call for a vote, all proposed amendments to the Geisel protocols and policies should be reviewed by the Dean, the Dean of Faculty Affairs, The Executive Dean for Administration and Finance, and the Office of the General Counsel of Dartmouth College and the results of their review should be distributed with the proposed amendment.

Section 2: Initiation of Amendments

Proposed amendments to these Bylaws may be initiated by the Dean’s Academic Board, by the Dean, by the Faculty Council, or by petition signed by at least 15 members of the Faculty. As with other governing policies and documents at Geisel, the Dean or their designee is empowered to make minor revisions of these Bylaws without further review (e.g., to note a departmental name change).

Section 3: Reconsideration of Rejected Amendments

A substantive amendment of these Bylaws, procedurally rejected by a vote of the general faculty or a vote of DAB/Faculty Council at any duly called and constituted meeting, or by any electronic ballot, may not be reconsidered within one calendar year, unless mutually agreed upon by the Dean and the DAB/Faculty Council.