
Dr. Howe featured in Geisel Insider

Epidemiology faculty Dr. Howe was featured in a recent issue of Geisel Insider focusing on her research. The article is originally written by Timothy Dean and you can read it here.

Dartmouth Study Reveals New Insights into How the Infant Microbiome Impacts Early Childhood Behavior in Boys and Girls

by Timothy Dean A new Dartmouth-led study published in Pediatric Research has found a direct and sex-specific association between the composition of infant microbiome and early childhood behavioral health. Previous studies have established a link between the gut microbiome—the overall communities of microbes that colonize the intestinal tract and play an important role in immune […]

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Special Guest Seminar Took Place on 9/23

The Department of Epidemiology was pleased to host a special guest seminar by Dr. Marvin González-Quiroz. He is a medical doctor with a MSc in epidemiology and Occupational Health and a Ph.D. in epidemiology. He works as a researcher at the Research Center on Health, Work and Environment at the National Autonomous University […]

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