The Department of Epidemiology was pleased to host a special guest seminar by Dr. Marvin González-Quiroz.
He is a medical doctor with a MSc in epidemiology and Occupational Health and a Ph.D. in epidemiology. He works as a researcher at the Research Center on Health, Work and Environment at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. He has extensive experience establishing longitudinal study and carrying out fieldwork with populations in Nicaragua CKDu-endemic region and Co-Chairing the Consortium for the Epidemic of Nephropathy in Central America and Mexico (CENCAM). He is a member of the steering committee for the Epidemiology of eGFR in Low- and Middle-Income Population – Rationale and core protocol for the Disadvantaged population eGFR epidemiology study (DEGREE protocol) and Co-DEGREE protocol. Recently, he was awarded with a five year NIH grant for establishing a CKDu cohort study in four Central American Country.