DartMouse is committed to the highest quality of results. We know you rely on these results for success in breeding and experimentation. We employ multiple layers of quality assurance to ensure consistency, reliability, and accuracy in our analyses.
Run-to-Run Quality Control
Every analysis run includes a control mouse C57Bl/6J DNA sample run in parallel (at all phases of sample processing, from PCR through SNP allele assignment). Overall SNP results for the C57Bl/6J control must correspond to previous C57Bl/6J results with a frequency of 99% or greater or the entire run is discarded.
Individual SNP Reliability
On a quarterly basis, we review control SNP results from our control C57Bl/6J DNA for repeatability. To be included in DartMouse analyses of submitted samples, an individual SNP must have shown at least 95% repeatability over the last several hundred runs. Any individual SNP that does not show at least 95% repeatability is excluded from analysis of submitted samples.
Reagent Integrity
On at least a quarterly basis, DartMouse replaces all reagents with new, previously unopened reagents to prevent spoilage or cross-contamination.
Control DNA Integrity
Fresh C57Bl/6J tissue (our control) is purchased from Jackson Labs and purified to DNA on a quarterly basis. Results from the new control DNA sample is verified by running a complete analysis of this DNA in parallel with our previous quarter control DNA stock.