Program Overview
The International Coproduction Health Network (ICoHN) is a network of communities of practice composed of multiple communities of practice (CoPs) which have been engaged in improving health and healthcare through a focus on co-production. The coproduction perspective challenges traditional thinking about how healthcare is conceptualized, viewing it as a service rather than something that is produced or delivered by the healthcare system. This new conceptualization of how healthcare services are coproduced requires a new way of thinking about how quality and value are generated and how these aspects can be assessed and measured to inform improvement and strategic decision-making in health systems. In 2020, ICoHN established a CoP focussed on coproduction value creation called the Value Creating Business Model Community of Practice. Led by CHIRP director Dr. Brant Oliver and visionary improvement scholar Dr. Paul Batalden, this group was composed of healthcare operations and finance leaders, clinicians, and patients from eleven health systems representing four countries and engaged on a one-year initiative to develop a self-assessment approach for health systems to assess coproduction value in health services using an adaptation of Fjeldstad’s value architectures. The self-assessment approach is now being applied and studied in four health systems in two counties in the CO-VALUE study, which aims to further develop the self-assessment approach to provide qualitative and quantitative assessment options. CO-VALUE will complete the second part of a planned tree-phase study in September, 2023. Phase 3 is planned to launch by the close of 2023.
- Lind J, Persson S, Vincent J, Linderfalk B, Oliver BJ, Smith A, Andersson-Gare B (May, 2022). Contact patterns and costs of multiple sclerosis in the Swedish healthcare system: A population-based quantitative study. Brain and Behavior. doi:
- Oliver BJ, Forcino R, Batalden PB. (2021). Initial development of a self-assessment approach for coproduction value creation by an international community of practice. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, November 2021, Pages ii48–ii54,
- Oliver BJ, Batalden PB, Dimillia PR, Forcino RC, Foster TC, Nelson EC, Andersson-Gare B. (2020). Coproduction value creation in healthcare service (CO-VALUE): An international multicenter protocol to describe the application of a model of value creation for use in systems of coproduced healthcare services and to evaluate the initial feasibility, utility, and acceptability of associated system-level value creation assessment approaches. BMJ Open;10:e037578.