Concord Hospital MS Peer Wellness Network

The Multiple Sclerosis Peer Wellness Program pairs people with MS who have an interest or need to engage in activities to better their health and wellness, but do not have access to them or the financial means to participate.  Click here to read a newspaper story about the program.

Developed by Dr. Brant Oliver, an Associate Professor and Healthcare Improvement Scientist at Dartmouth and a practicing multiple sclerosis specialist at the Concord Hospital MS Specialty Care Program, and established in 2013 through grants from the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, the program pairs participants with people with MS who serve as peer mentors and is directed by a team of peer mentors supervised by Dr. Oliver.

With the help of a peer mentor, participants formulate an individual wellness plan and then carry it out with support from the peer mentor over a one-year period.  Limited grant funding is also provided to cover costs for activities, resources, and transportation needed to help participants to complete individual wellness plans.  In addition, the program also includes a facilitated peer network of current and past mentors and mentees which meets monthly as a peer wellness community to share, learn and support each other in their ongoing wellness journeys.

Many program graduates go on to become mentors and help future participants.  Click here to read about Bonnie, a program graduate who is now a lead mentor in the program.

The wellness program is linked to an optional IRB-approved research study led by Dr. Oliver which aims to study the effect of the program on health and wellness outcomes for people with MS.  Participation in the study is not required to participate in the program.

Click here to learn more about the MS Peer Wellness Program or to register to participate as a mentee or become a peer mentor.