Malina Krotzer

Your name:
Malina Krotzer

Falls Church City, VA

Undergraduate institution:
University of Vermont

Undergraduate major:

My research interests are:
Global Health
Bayesian Statistics
Mental Health

Career track:
Both Industry and Academia

My career goals are:
To contribute to meaningful advances in medicine and global health!

I have technical expertise in :
R, Python, SAS, and Stan

Other professional accomplishments of note:
Outside of education, I have gained valuable experience in the medical devices industry, specifically in cardiac electrophysiology and oncology.

In 2022, I had the privilege of being trained in applied biostatistics and biomedical data science through the NIH's Summer Institutes in Biostatistics (SIBS) and Data Science at UC Irvine.

Additionally, I was honored to receive the Nam Sang Kil Scholarship in Statistics in recognition of the value of education as a path toward the betterment of mankind from the University of Vermont in 2023.

I chose QBS because:
I chose this program because I believe in the transformative power of interdisciplinary research. The QBS program offers a wonderful opportunity to collaborate alongside experts from diverse fields and contribute to a broad range of research initiatives. Plus, I can't think of a better place to live and learn than the beautiful Upper Valley!

Recreational Interests:
I enjoy traveling, hiking, practicing yoga, doing puzzles, learning languages, and hanging out with my cat, BaoBao, in my free time.

Linkedin Profile: