Katie Hooker

Your name:
Katie Hooker
Guilford, Connecticut
Undergraduate institution:
University of Connecticut
Undergraduate major:
Molecular and Cell Biology
My research interests are:
in the genomic architecture of complex human traits and diseases. The human genome is fascinating and largely untapped!
Career track:
Both Industry and Academia
My career goals are:
to conduct genetic research in the private sector before returning to academia. My ultimate goal is to become a professor, continue relevant research, and teach future biologists!
I have technical expertise in :
R, Python, Excel, and FreeSurfer.
Other professional accomplishments of note:
I was named a 2022 Goldwater Scholar for my research investigating the role of common variation on the FOXP2 gene in reading and language abilities and metrics of the brain associated with these traits. I also spent a year (2023-2024) as an English Teaching Assistant in France and am fluent in French.
I chose QBS because:
I was drawn to the interdisciplinary, collaborative nature of the program. All of the graduate students I spoke to while making my decision could not have spoken more highly of the atmosphere!
Recreational Interests:
I love to read, ski, hike, and travel! I cannot wait to explore the Upper Valley and all it has to offer outdoors and beyond.
Linkedin Profile: