Applications Open: Implement and Evaluate the Principles of Trustworthiness Toolkit

Principles of Trustworthiness Toolkit Pilot Project
Application Deadline: Dec. 22, 2023

A long and ongoing history of mistreatment and abuse has fostered logical distrust of the health care system and other institutions across diverse communities. Racism, classism, ableism, and other systems of oppression perpetuated by societal systems are not forgotten by the people most affected. Misinformation and disinformation also play key roles. It is up to institutions with power and privilege to demonstrate they are worthy of trust from their communities. Trust is the foundation of the community-driven, multisector partnerships necessary to create lasting health equity for all.

The Principles of Trustworthiness Toolkit was created in 2021 to support authentic multisector and community partnerships. The principles are designed to guide organizations in building and sustaining equitable partnerships with their communities. The AAMC Center for Health Justice now aims to award up to five of these multisector, community partnerships with up to $30,000 to formally use and evaluate the Toolkit and for one year.