AAMC MedEdSCHOLAR program – Call open

The AAMC's MedEdSCHOLAR Program is now accepting applications for its second cohort. This program offers mentorship in medical education scholarship for minoritized early career faculty or for those who are new to medical education research. The goal is to help mentees gain exposure to the scholarly editorial process, build networks with medical education scholars, and increase visibility within the academic medicine community. Eligible individuals are encouraged to apply by November 15, 2023, by submitting a short CV and demographic intake statement. The program's flexible activities allow participants to align their involvement with their interests and availability. For more information, please review the full call. Feel free to email me directly zzaidi@gwu.edu if you have queries.


Zareen Zaidi, M.D., Ph.D.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Professor Division of General Internal Medicine
Co-Director Academy of Scholars
George Washington School of Medicine & Health Sciences
2150 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Suite 5-416N
Washington, DC 20037
Phone:  202-741-2222 Ext 48218