Engaging the Health Humanities to further Health Equity and Justice: Innovations in Learner Assessment

Health Equity Alliance for Learning (HEAL) and Health Humanities as a Teaching and Learning Strategy (HH) Special Interest Groups 

Present a Joint Virtual Webinar:
Engaging the Health Humanities to further Health Equity and Justice: Innovations in Learner Assessment

Weds, July 26, 2023 3:45pm-6:15pm

Register with QR code above


A Health Humanities-Based Approach to Health Equity Education in GME: Mapping a Path to Multimodal Learner Assessment
Kamna Balhara, MD, Johns Hopkins Medical Institution

An Assessment Rubric for Structural Competency
Iman Hassan, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and Rebecca Leeds, MD, Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Conceptual Frameworks to Guide Assessments in Health Humanities Education
Tavis Apramian, MD, University of Toronto

The Prism Model: Maximizing the Potential of Assessing the Arts and Humanities in Medical Education
Tracy Moniz, PhD, Mount Saint Vincent University, and Paul Haidet, MD, Penn State College of Medicine