Forward, Together: Voices from the Multisector Partner Group

Forward, Together: Voices from the Multisector Partner Group

At the AAMC Center for Health Justice, we describe our health justice framework as “grounding one foot in community wisdom, the other foot in a research-to-policy action agenda and using both feet to walk the path to health justice.” We recognize that creating health opportunities in our communities is not the exclusive job of medical care and public health domains. Instead, our goal is to create a space to come out of our silos and connect across sectors to reach health equity: giving every community equitable access to the vital conditions we all need to be healthy and thrive. To this goal, the center assembled the Multisector Partner Group (MPG), an inaugural group of ten paid consultants representing sectors that encompass those vital conditions of health.

Personally, this group has transformed the way I think about my health equity work. First, it has made me feel more comfortable going through the process of building a team and resolving challenges together. Second, it has emphasized that the process of community engagement and multisector partnership is as important as the product. Although members varied in their approaches and tactics, we all had the same vision of what an ideal future state could look like through a multisector lens. The MPG reminds me of a chorus: each voice is different but when they work together synchronously, the voices coalesce to create something bigger and beautiful. In a recently recorded video, each member had something important to contribute about their vision for health equity and the path to achieve it together through multisector collaboration.

To learn more, read Phylicia's blog post and check out the new video featuring the Multisector Partner Group members.

Read the Story

Conferences & Webinars

National Rural Health Association Health Equity Conference
May 16, 2023
San Diego, CA
Presentation Proposals Deadline: December 8, 2022
Research Posters Deadline: February 9, 2023

Building a Bridge of Trust: Inclusion of American Indians in Healthcare
December 20
1:30 p.m. ET

Confronting U.S. History: We Must End Racism to End Health Disparities
January 11, 2023
12 p.m. ET

Find more health equity conferences, meetings, and webinars on our Conferences page

Funding Opportunities

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21, R03, R01)
Letter of Intent Deadline: January 5, 2023

William T. Grant Foundation: Research to Reduce Inequality
Letter of Intent Deadline: January 11, 2023

Lesbian Health Fund
Application Deadline: February 28, 2023
Find more health equity grants on our Funding page.

Fellowship & Training Opportunities

National Medical Fellowships Diversity in Clinical Trials Research Program
Application Deadline: December 19

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities: Health Disparities Research Institute
Applications Deadline: March 13, 2023

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 2023 Scholarships
Application Deadlines: March 31 - April 28, 2023

Resources & More
We Need Your Voice for the AAMC Center for Health Justice Research Agenda
Application Deadline: January 3

At the Center for Health Justice, all community voices are important contributors on the path to health equity. AAMC CHARGE is looking for eight experts in environmental justice, maternal health equity, health equity data infrastructure, trustworthiness, civic engagement, and LGBTQ+ issues to help the center set its next research agenda and priorities. The agenda-setting process will take place across two virtual and one in-person meeting in Washington, DC from January to March 2023.

Learn More and Apply Now

Mark Kleiman Innovation for Public Policy Memorial Lecture
National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine: Speaking award. Application Deadline: January 14.

To Boost Equity, Medical Care Must Act at the Organizational, Population and Policy Levels
U.S. News and World Report: Opinion by Center for Health Justice Founding Director Philip M. Alberti, PhD.

Preventing Chronic Disease 2023 Student Paper Contest
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Publishing opportunity. Deadline: March 27, 2023.