Understanding Team Science Workshop

Join Steven Leach, MD and Brock Christensen, PhD  from the Dartmouth Cancer Center to discuss
”Understanding Team Science”
Topics include:

  • Recent trends regarding team science
  • Ethics and standards for authorship
  • Strategies to recognize team science contributions
  • Educational resources for trainees and junior faculty to become more effective participants in team science

About Steven Leach, MD
Dr. Leach is a surgical oncologist and pancreatic cancer researcher, and leads Dartmouth Cancer Center, a joint enterprise of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and Dartmouth Health. Leach serves as a professor in multiple departments within Geisel and Dartmouth’s Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies.

In addition to his clinical and administrative roles, Leach continues to lead a highly productive research lab focused on pancreatic cancer biology. Among his many scientific contributions and professional honors, Leach was named a Fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science in 2018. Leach has also served as chair of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Board and as a member of the Princeton University Board of Trustees.

About Brock Christensen, PhD
Dr. Christensen's research is focused on combining advances in molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics with the powerful techniques of modern epidemiology and statistics to characterize epigenetic states in human health and disease. His interests include understanding relationships between epigenetic states and exposures in the context of disease susceptibility, occurrence, and progression. By investigating complex interactions between the environment and somatic epigenetic alterations in target tissues, as well as epigenetic susceptibility traits in surrogate tissues, he hopes to develop their potential translational utility for diagnostic, prognostic, and/or treatment purposes.

Dr. Christensen received his B.S. from the University of Wisconsin Madison in Medical Microbiology & Immunology and French in 2002, and his Ph.D. from the Program in Biological Sciences in Public Health at Harvard University in 2008. He trained as a postdoctoral research associate in molecular epidemiology of cancer at Brown University in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

This workshop will be held via Zoom on December 8, 2022 from 4-6pm
Register Here