Medical Education Research Presentations

Dear Faculty,

The Department of Medical Education would like to make you aware of two upcoming online presentations next week that we thought many of you might be interested in (flyers attached).  The first, on Monday, December 5th at 5:30pm is a medical research session called “The Social” that will be an opportunity to connect with education researchers from Geisel, Georgetown and George Washington Universities about developing research questions in health professions education.  One of the panelists will be our own, Dr. Abigail Konopasky.

The second on Tuesday, December 6th at 12:15pm is a faculty development seminar sponsored by our department, where Dr. Konopasky will lead us in a mini-workshop titled, “Overcoming Barriers to Publishing: Strategies for Writing and Navigating the Peer-Review Process.”

We are excited to share these upcoming informational discussions with you and hope you can join us.

We look forward to seeing you!

Kerry E. Schmitt
Administrative Coordinator

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